Dianna Odom

Comment: As an architect who has studied urban design, I do not understand why the proponents of this plan think that funneling 4 lanes of traffic into 2 lanes of […]

Patrick Mascarella

Comment: First comment, I think that doing this project with the widening costing $360,000,000 is a waste of money and a waste of time. First reason, in about two or […]

Tim Harris

Comment: And what I couldn’t even think about and I kept waiting and kept waiting and they never talked about, the bridge that was existing that they built from nowhere […]

Blanche Gladney

Comment: I think the biggest problem we actually have that everyone knows is getting over the bridge. Even if you bring all these people, add a lane, you’re still going […]

Maria DiVincenti

Comment: If we can’t build a new bridge or do a loop how about looking into widening Airline Highway and directing traffic towards the old bridge? Thanks for allowing me […]

Salavadore Christina, Jr.

Comment: 16. How is Dalrymple-110 ramps being configured to help alleviate traffic from LSU so not :everyone is forced to use S. Acadian or College Dr. Response: An eastbound entrance […]

Coleman Brown

Comment: 11. Will median openings be closed on alternates routes during construction? Response: A full Transportation Management plan will be performed prior to construction of the project to help facilitate […]

Coleman Brown

Comment: 10. Have any alternate studies been done to incorporate widening say Airline Highway at $100 million and removing some of the lights to make it a faster more direct […]

Coleman Brown

Comment: 9. Why wouldn’t it be a better idea to widen Airline Highway and make it six lanes first from Plank Road to Prairieville before work of any kind, much […]

Coleman Brown

Comment: 8. Will the traffic lights on Airline Highway be removed during construction to facilitate an alternate route? Response: A full Transportation Management plan will be performed prior to construction […]

Hays Boyle

Comment: Very concerned about the impact of construction on nearby homes and businesses. Would it not make significantly more sense to construct a loop that would allow travelers and big […]

Becca Behrnes

Comment: BUT: Widening I-10 will not improve traffic! “Induced Demand” is real! Why can’t we try “REDUCED demand” instead, and spend the money on public transit or widening the bridge, […]

Kenri Avery

Comment: Consider bridging over from South Bluebonnet to WBR to give I-10 East and West A break trying to commute back and forth over the MS River. Especially for plant […]


Comment: 17. Have any alternate studies been done to incorporate widening say Airline Highway at $100 million and removing some of the lights to make it a faster more direct […]