Leif Remo

Comment: I attended the Aug 28 meeting but haven’t yet submitted feedback. My overall feedback for this I-10 project is this: dismantle the interstate highway within Baton Rouge city limits […]

Robert Sherman

Comment: This project does not address the problem. We need alternate routes! A loop, another MS River bridge and/or better surface streets! Response: Data-driven analysis conducted in 2015 by the […]

Margot Addison

Comment: First, since it is acknowledged that this project will not solve the long term problem with traffic in BR, and that by the time all the construction is completed […]

Dorian Heroman, P.E.

Comment: Louisiana needs to be FAR-SEEING and not Band-aiding; There should be plans made to go to Grosse Tete and have 2 new roads implemented; South: connect the Sunshine Bridge […]

Deborah Roe

Comment: 4. I am opposed to widening the interstate in this area. Enlarging a funnel but keeping the receptacle the same size does not eliminate overflow. Widening the interstate but […]


Comment: I have been a resident of Baton Rouge since Fall of 1999 and I have lived in various places throughout the US, primarily South and Southeast for over 25 […]

Kathy Wascom

Comment: I am opposed to the widening of the Interstate in the Overpass and Lakes area. The construction will cut through the core of the city, create blight and diminish […]

Georgann Mire

Comment: Hello – I live in University Gardens and I am opposed to this expansion. If, however, widening I-10 at Perkins is inevitable, then please make plans to creatively develop […]

James Buchtel

Comment: The project as proposed will do very little to alleviate the daily congestion currently being experienced. The real problem is associated with the lack of sufficient vehicle capacity of […]

Alison Thompson

Comment: Widening I‐10 without addressing the capacity of the Mississippi River Bridge will be a fruitless, expensive boondoggle. Referencing the I‐10 Open House PowerPoint presentation, August 2018: “Increasing capacity of […]

David Wagenecht

Comment: Until you get more lanes OVER the bridge you will not be able to alleviate traffic woes, all else is window dressing. More lanes to the bridge could worsen […]

Pamela Baker

Comment: This is a short sighted plan. A band aid and waste of money. We need a bypass. You will take property and businesses and just push the problem down […]

Philipa Blair

Comment: Is this a done deal or will Baton Rouge citizens be able to end this construction? A concerned WBR citizen. Response: DOTD intends to move forward with the completion […]

Jerome Ducote

Comment: This is a waste of time and money Response: Thank you for your comment.