
Maria DiVincenti


If we can’t build a new bridge or do a loop how about looking into widening Airline Highway and directing traffic towards the old bridge?
Thanks for allowing me to express my opinion.


During the Stage 0 Feasibility Study for this project, alternative regional transportation improvements were considered including a new southern Mississippi River Bridge crossing and a Northern Bypass. Though these megaprojects will provide improved traffic flow through the Baton Rouge metro area, the I-10 Improvement through Baton Rouge is necessary to help alleviate congestion through the area. The proposed configuration does show two dedicated lanes on I-10 eastbound combining with two lanes from I-110 southbound to make up the four through lanes for I-10 Eastbound to the I-10/I-12 Split. DOTD investigated widening Airline Highway in the Baton Rouge Urban Mobility Plan (BUMP) study.  Model runs showed that only a minimal amount of traffic is diverted away from I-10 if we built the BUMP, or essentially widen Airline Highway.