James Buchtel

Comment: The project as proposed will do very little to alleviate the daily congestion currently being experienced. The real problem is associated with the lack of sufficient vehicle capacity of […]

Alison Thompson

Comment: Widening I‐10 without addressing the capacity of the Mississippi River Bridge will be a fruitless, expensive boondoggle. Referencing the I‐10 Open House PowerPoint presentation, August 2018: “Increasing capacity of […]

David Wagenecht

Comment: Until you get more lanes OVER the bridge you will not be able to alleviate traffic woes, all else is window dressing. More lanes to the bridge could worsen […]

George Bofinger

Comment: I went to the open house last week and am very concerned about not widening the bridge. I realize it is going to be a major undertaking but that’s […]

Margot Addison

Comment: Adding lanes going up to the bridge, which can’t be widened, creates a bottleneck at the approach. coming off the bridge into BR is a problem, so remove Washington […]