Doug Moore

Comment: Why are there no pedestrian accommodations on College Drive where it crosses under the interstate? Response: Modifications to College Drive are not within the scope of work carried forward […]

James Varnado

Comment: I’m addressing the College I-10 east departure ramp that will be running into a bottleneck on the College side. And the green space that feeds into College should be […]

Tom Willis

Comment: I am opposed to the designed plan to create a College Drive overpass. The use of an elevated section and the relocation of the sound wall closer to the […]

Michael Frenzel

Comment: Now about this project ‐ two areas. One. I live in the Jefferson Place ‐ Bocage sub‐division, and attended the public meeting held on August 29, 2018. As I […]

Devin Lance Graham

Comment: Completely remove the access to Washington St. Use the deceleration lane off the bridge as designed to stay elevated and exit at Dalrymple. Remove the Washington Street entry as […]

Bob Wertz

Comment: Three suggestions: One, I would start with the College Drive eastbound widening. I would start there and work into town as the, one of the first projects. The reason […]

Guy & Jeanne Barone

Comment: FLYOVER: Will the flyover be visible from our property and/or property owners in our neighborhood? If the flyover is visible, we request some form of sight barrier to prevent […]

Bond Lux

Comment: The proposed College Drive exit for I-10/I-12 is fundamentally a good idea however the proposed design is making motorists commit to that exit for approximately 1 mile. The problem […]

Pat Arbour

Comment: Please consider the problems along College Drive. Sidewalks and NO bike infrastructure. …. We folks on bikes take the back streets , as much as possible but getting thru […]

Deborah Fuller

Comment: How about we consider the ramps at college? Response: Thank you for your comment. We are considering modification of the westbound exit lanes.

Devin Lance Graham

Comment: Use the frontage road as the access ramp and reduce the amount of traffic lights on College. The two back to back lights can be replaced by a large […]

Cody Matherne

Comment: Over the years of living and driving around Baton Rouge, what I have come to notice is where the traffic usually begins is at on ramps. This seems to […]

Ronald Ray

Comment: Now, there’s one other thing. I’m not through yet, but let me think a minute. Okay. This is my issue Number 2: Is there any way possible to, please, […]

James Varnado

Comment: Also, on that service road that you, that you are building, you should also make provisions for exits to streets prior to College Drive. Because that would allow some […]