College Flyover

During the Environmental Assessment phase of the I-10 widening project, the “College Drive Flyover” component was pulled from the overall project and advanced separately on its own as a design-build project. Being a “segment of independent utility,” meaning that its construction could occur separately from the rest of the project, the Flyover was let for final design and construction through a separate contract. This allowed the Flyover, which will provide dedicated exit lanes from westbound I-10 and I-12 to College Drive, to advance in an expedited fashion. When complete, the College Flyover improvements will eliminate the traffic weaving and conflicts which presently occur on westbound I-10 and I-12 approaching College Drive.

Under Construction

Construction of the flyover project is underway. Persons interested in receiving email notifications of progress and infrequent impacts to I-10 / I-12 mainline travel lanes should sign up for the MyDOTD notification service. The College Flyover has its own official project website at where additional information is provided.


Homepage of college flyover project website.