
Comment: 6. Will there be a glass sound wall over the City Park and University lakes? Response: Sound wall design comments have been received and will be considered as the […]

Michael Frenzel

Comment: I support the Expressway Park to Dalrymple initiative. I also strongly support the ‘softening’ of the I‐10 bridge as it crosses over the City Park Lake. While this project […]

William Scheffy

Comment: Jenny, It is my hope that the redesign of the bridge can be done in such a way to be complimentary of the Baton Rouge Lakes Master Plan. As […]

Southside Civic Association and Carol Ann Brown

Comment: 8. Bridges that cross the lakes. These new spans should be aesthetically pleasing and should have lighting and landscaping underneath. Same reasons as above with business district. 9. Can […]

Lucas J. Denson

Comment: The proposed designs for the city lake bridge and proposed walking trail connections looked very enjoyable. Response: Thank you for your comment.

Mary Donalson

Comment: City Park Lakes Bridge: Spandrel Arch option will be covered with bird excrement, and appears to require more columns in the Lakes. Haunched Box appears to be sleeker, to […]

Thomas Bryan

Comment: I hope that any sound barrier on the LSU Lake bridge will be clear because messing up one of the prettiest views in Baton Rouge would be a huge […]

Michael Frenzel

Comment: Two. As I understand it, the bridges across City Park Lake are to be reworked. Part of that rework will be the addition of Sound Walls on the Bridges. […]

Salavadore Christina, Jr.

Comment: I 0. Is an environmental study being done regarding the Lakes Project? If so are the results available to the public? Response: The proposed project does not include any […]

Southside Civic Association and Carol Ann Brown

Comment: 10. Is an environmental study being done regarding the Lakes Project? If so are the results available to the public? Response: 10- The proposed project does not include any […]