
Alison Thompson


Widening I‐10 without addressing the capacity of the Mississippi River Bridge will be a fruitless, expensive boondoggle.
Referencing the I‐10 Open House PowerPoint presentation, August 2018:
“Increasing capacity of I‐10 must be a part of a larger multi‐faceted solution” [slide 12]. So, where is the multi‐faceted, larger solution that goes along with the widening?  How many vehicles accessed the bridge in 2014 during your “survey time?”
 What is the traffic projection for number of vehicles in 2032?
 And most importantly, where is the data showing the effects of the proposed I‐10 widening on Mississippi River Bridge traffic?
Slides 20‐24 show a comparison of traffic volume in 2014, projections of volume for 2032, and projections with the proposed I‐10 expansion – but no numbers or percentages are given to support the graphs. Where is the real [hard] data for the information on the graphs? By what percent did you project the increase in traffic for 2032? How did you project the subsequent decrease in traffic with the expansion?
Where is the data showing the comparable traffic information for the Mississippi River Bridge? This I‐10 widening project will only create great disruption [5 – 7 years] and greater expense – it’s acknowledged that there isn’t enough money for the “plans” as presented.
The major problem, though, is that the project will NOT have a positive impact on travel across the Mississippi River. You’ll still have to funnel all the traffic down to two lanes to cross the bridge. Where is the solution to that?


Widening the Mississippi River Bridge and other options were included in the study that can be accessed at https://i10br.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Appendix-B-Traffic-Study.pdf. The following responses reference specific page numbers from this report. a.This is discussed in Project Justification – page 4-5 (pdf page 8-9) and Previous Studies and Planned Projects are discussed on pages 9-10 (pdf pages 13-14) 2015 traffic volumes used in the traffic model begin on page 75 (pdf page 79 of 108). Updated traffic volumes are part of the Stage 1 will be available on the I10BR website when completed. b.2032 projected traffic volumes begin on page 79 (pdf page 83 of 108). Updated traffic volumes are part of the Stage 1 will be available on the I10BR website when completed. c.Projected traffic data with the proposed widening is on page 87 (pdf page 91). Updated traffic volumes are part of the Stage 1 will be available on the I10BR website when completed. d.These slides present travel times and are not comparing traffic volumes. The travel times and percentages will vary by area, start/end points and start/end times. Data used was averaged from the traffic models and is in Appendix B on the website. Data on the traffic projections is on page 24 (pdf page 28 of 108) Slides 23-24 indicate that travel times will decrease. These slides are not comparing traffic volumes. e.Traffic information on the Mississippi River Bridge is presented in several locations in the report, as described above.
f. Flow across the Mississippi River is expected to improve because: 1. Now, there is a lane drop at Washington immediately after the bridge. This results in an uneven lane distribution – more vehicles are stacked in the left lane since the right lane ends. The combination of a new Terrace Street off-ramp from I-110 and changes at the Washington/Dalrymple interchange (layouts available on the website) will more evenly distribute traffic, resulting in increased capacity. 2.The additional lane will increase capacity and relieve queues that at times back up and impeded flow on the bridge.