
Dorian Heroman, P.E.


Louisiana needs to be FAR-SEEING and not Band-aiding; There should be plans made to go to Grosse Tete and have 2 new roads implemented; South: connect the Sunshine Bridge to Grosse Tete to divert west bound trucks [and cars] to I-49 and I-10 west. North: connect to St. Francisville bridge and to I-55 to divert north bound trucks [and cars] away from Baton Rouge and form a ‘loop’ around Baton Rouge on the west side. There also is a need to tie I-55 to I-10 east so trucks [and cars] do not have to go thru Hammond and Covington to go east. THERE NEEDS TO BE THE MINDSET OF DIVERTING TRAFFIC FROM THE LAFAYETTE, BATON ROUGE, HAMMOND AND COVINGTON CORRIDOR SO THRU TRAFFIC DOES NOT HINDER THE CORRIDORS NORMAL INTER-CITY TRAVELS … GOOD LUCK. ADDING LANES IS A SMALL HELP TO THE PROBLEM THAT GROWS EVERY YEAR, AND WILL ONLY GET WORSE IN THE NEXT 5.


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