
William Scheffy


Jenny, It is my hope that the redesign of the bridge can be done in such a way to be complimentary of the Baton Rouge Lakes Master Plan. As a result of our visit, there were several tasks that I needed to take care of and follow-up on for your benefit.
Baton Rouge Lakes Master Plan
I believe that I have secured for you a full printed version of the Baton Rouge Lakes Master Plan as produced by the consultants. Most likely, I will be getting my hands on that printed version next week and will then work to get that into your hands. In the meantime, you can go to batonrougelakes.org and download an abbreviated version of that report.
Rowing Equipment to Be Used on Proposed Racing Course
See link below to a Rowing 101: Equipment website. We’re looking at both the 4 man and the 8 man racing shell. The length would vary from 44 feet for the 4 man boat and 65 feet for the 8 man boat. The oars for both are approx. 12’4”. Knowing that there are oars extended on both sides, that would give you a combined width of just under 25 feet (actually a couple of feet less than that as there is some overlap in the boat where the oarsmen are located) . Confused? The printed version of the Lakes Master Plan will have a rendition of a proposed race course that begins on the South end of University Lake and ends on the North end of City Park Lake.
I will contact you next week when I get you the printed copy of the Lakes Master Plan. In the meantime, should you need to contact me with any follow-up questions, please see my contact info below.


Thank you for the comment relative to developing the City Park Lake bridge concept to be complimentary of the Baton Rouge Lakes Master Plan.