Comment: 12. What will be the increase in time to get to my job at LSU from the medical district? Response: We can not speculate your travel time or which […]
Comment: 13. What is the increase in time from Southdowns or from West Baton Rouge Parish and Iberville to LSU or downtown? Response: We can not speculate your travel time […]
Comment: 16. Will carpools and vanpools have a priority line through or around during construction? Response: The Transportation Management plan will consider priority to vanpools and carpools.
Comment: 18. Isn’t there supposed to be a traffic management plan? If so, is it available now? If not, when will it be complete? Response: A traffic management plan will […]
Comment: Having moved to University Gardens after the 2016 flood, I have observed that the I-10 Eastbound Acadian on-ramp lane is used as a cut-through for folks to get from […]
Comment: On behalf of the Downtown Development District (DDD), I’d like to take this opportunity to comment on the above mentioned project, and submit the following items to be considered […]
Comment: 7. Interstate 10 backs up to LA 415 Lobdell interchange every afternoon. How much further will it be backed up during construction? Response: The comment speaks to a future […]
Comment: 14. I live on the east side and work on the west side. How will travel be impacted? Response: We can not speculate your travel time or which routes […]
Comment: 9. During the 18 years, safety has been an issue: cars driving off the interstate and hitting one of our homes; crashing through the chain link fence, which the […]
Coleman Brown
Comment: 6. How long will Interstate 110 be two lanes on the east side of the new bridge. Response: Traffic Analysis shows that two lanes are required on I-10 Eastbound […]