
Donna Roppolo


9. During the 18 years, safety has been an issue: cars driving off the interstate and hitting one of our homes; crashing through the chain link fence, which the pine trees have sometimes stopped vehicles or trailers from further damages; criminal activity when police stop suspects and they are able to run through and escape through our street; break down of trucks and cars where it will be easier to knock on someone’s door for assistance that is open and exposed. All of these have happened over the years I have lived here. Exposure to theft. And what about human trafficking. How do you plan to implement safety and physical distraction to protect us for the duration of construction in front on my house and surrounding neighbors?
10. Request for DOTD to add requirement for active off duty details by the Sheriff’s Office? Requiring uniformed deputies and marked units
11. Again, I REQUEST, IF AT ALL POSSIBLE, TO ERECT THE SOUND WALL ALONG ESTATES ROAD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. My lifestyle will be shattered for the duration of this construction. I have worked very hard to live in my home. I generally feel secure, with an overall sense of privacy. Once the foliage is removed, the general public of 170,000 vehicles per day will be looking and watching, creating exposure and interest to someone with bad intentions. This neighborhood along Estates Road and Fiero Street becomes an easy target for criminal activity.
12. There are currently light posts along the interstate, alongside Estates Road. Those fixtures currently provide lighting along our street and into our neighborhood. What about safety lighting once those fixtures are removed for duration of construction?
13. And will any permanent lighting be added to our side of the sound wall on Estates Road?
14. What’s to stop someone that is sitting in standstill traffic from driving off the interstate directly onto Estates Road or Fiero Street when they want to avoid the construction traffic? I understand there will be some type of temporary fence. We, as a subdivision, are not comfortable with a vinyl or temp galvanized fence if it is.
15. What about construction workers and vehicle? Will they be accessing construction by using Estates Road?
16. Will there be anything used to deter water, mud debris etc….from entering onto Estates Road?
17. There is a portion of land owned by DOTD in front of my home. I had been previously told that would be a staging ground for equipment and workers. I totally object to that usage. Our lives will be disrupted enough.
18. What kind of construction noise and debris to be expected along Estates Road and Fiero Street?
19. What kind of environmental issues and hazards will we be living in day by day during construction? Constant dust, tar, damage to our vehicles; dust in our homes and yards. Breathing and living in this environment.
20. Is it safe for me and the residents along Estates Road to breathe construction debris every day for the duration of this project in front of our homes?
21. Any dust shields or water trucks being required at certain times to lower dust?
22. What kind of hazards to our health due to the noise of construction?
23. And what about hazards to our health due to the noise after construction if the sound wall is added at a later date?
24. What kind of hazards to our health due to vibration of construction?
25. And what about hazards to our health due to vibration after construction with more vehicles passing at a steadier speed?
26. What about structural damage to our homes being so close to the construction along Estates Road and Fiero Street? Is there a recommended distance from construction that will not cause structural damage and shifting to our homes?
27. Will there be monitors monitoring vibration from construction?
28. I understand drill shafts used over City Park Lake, which is close proximity, so that is concern for vibration and noise as well.
29. Many concerns for structural damage to our homes due to vibration after construction is complete. There will be more trucks and vehicles passing at a steadier speed, and now, at a closer distance to my house.
30. What about the change and impact to the quality of my lifestyle that I have created for myself to be in this historical area of Baton Rouge. This includes working in our yards, sitting back and relaxing outdoors, enjoying the breeze coming from the lakes, lying in the hammock, walking the dog, jogging, socializing with our neighbors. I fear I will we be locked in my home, scared for my privacy and safety, unable to breathe outside, everything covered in concrete dust, black top, or whatever, construction equipment and workers in our front yards, noise pollution of construction, and so on. Only able to hear construction pounding, scraping, grinding, jack hammers, honking, and beeping, along with more emergency vehicles.
31. I remain under constant anxiety since the announcement of the new plans to move forward on this project. I cannot concentrate on my work and other matters. I am having sleepless nights. And I am spending time researching the all the aspects of impact due to this project.
32. My house is now unmarketable due to the announcement of the widening. If I HAD to sell my home or did not think I could withstand the construction nightmares, I would be trapped. Finally, I could not relocate without selling my home, which is now impossible without giving it away.
33. I am reluctant to improve and continue any maintenance to my home and yard because of uncertainty in the market, and concerns during construction.
Other concerns:
1. What happens along Perkins Road to the lane dedicated for the Perkins Road Westbound onramp? We are not interested in widening Perkins Road, so where will that lane end?
2. I am concerned that the I-10 widening and changes will bring more vehicles through Dalrymple area with the closure of Perkins Road Exit. More vehicles will now be exiting at Dalrymple to access Perkins Road, instead of backtracking at Acadian, which by the way handles the amount of traffic nicely at this time. And more vehicles will be exiting at Dalrymple when East bound traffic is at a standstill since the ease of Perkins Road Exit will no longer be an option. Joggers, walkers and bikers are already dodging vehicles all day long around City Park due to inadequate paths, that are either nonexistent, or at road level.
3. I am concerned that the addition of the East Bound onramp at Dalrymple will bring more vehicles through Dalrymple/City Park area. If traffic is backed up at I-10 when drivers are approaching Dalrymple, they will be speeding through the lake are to get to Perkins Road. And then Perkins Road and Acadian Thruway will now be congested.
4. Currently Acadian Thruway traffic flows nicely. Closing Perkins Road exit and onramp will congest Acadian Thruway.
5. Drivers are given the right of way around and through City Park. Changes to that should be made. There is little respect given to the pedestrians, joggers and bikers, especially with the changes of on and off ramps in the area.
6. Speed restrictions should be made and enforced in the underlying areas where changes are being made to the I-10 corridor, especially where there is more pedestrian activity. This includes Dalrymple, East Lakeshore and Perkins Road from Broussard all the way to Acadian Thruway.
7. Safety restrictions should be made and enforced in the underlying areas where changes are being made to the I-10 corridor. Drivers are not paying attention to pedestrians, joggers, bikers, mothers with baby strollers, ducks, etc. This includes Dalrymple, East Lakeshore and Perkins Road from Broussard all the way to Acadian Thruway.
Sound wall questions:
1. Removal of the majestic oak trees along Estates Road? As I was told by DOTD representative that the sound wall will be constructed 8 feet from existing chain link fence. There is a significant oak tree in front of my home. Will contractors be taking every precaution to save that tree and any additional trees and foliage outside of that measurement?
2. Can and will the sound wall be erected first so that residents are physically secure and visually secure and protected from the 170,000 drivers, construction workers, debris, dust and additional noise from construction every single day and night over the many years of construction? I am extremely concerned for my safety and wellbeing of the neighbors and families that live within 50-75 feet from I-10 corridor that runs alongside of Estates Road.
3. I received some confliction information on the back side of the wall. Who will be maintaining this? I hear DOTD then I hear the home owners, please advise.
Landscape and Architectural improvement questions:
1. Importance of maintaining the character of this beautiful historic part of Baton Rouge. Many of us purchased or built homes to live in this are because of its historic beauty, we are not looking to change it into something else.
2. Is there a study being done for the population of pedestrians, bikers and vehicle use to justify expense in the beautification project at the different locations?
3. Improvements under I-10 at Dalrymple and E.Lakeshore were not considered in the designs at the focus group meeting on May 14, 2018. There are more passage than I know of the other areas that were mentioned at the meeting
4. Also, improvements under I-10 at Christian Street were not considered in the designs at the focus group meeting on May 14, 2018.


9-Trees in the required ROW would be removed and others could be cut back, as they may overhang existing ROW. The construction site should be secured; therefore, existing fencing would remain where feasible and temporary fencing installed as needed for safety and security. Temporary fencing would likely be chain link fence, not a privacy fence. Concrete barriers would be installed between the east and westbound sides during construction. The ability for vehicles to stop and access neighborhood streets will be lessened by the presence of multiple barriers and consistent presence of construction personnel. As previously stated, your section should be affected for less time than the project construction schedule. 10 -Request noted. 11 – See response to Number 9. 12 and 13 – It is not yet known if there will be a need to remove street lighting during the construction phase. New street lighting to replace any lighting that may be removed would be designed in Stage 3. 14- Concrete barriers and secured fencing are the most likely materials to be utilized to control the construction site, vehicles on I-10 will not have access to Fiero Street or Estates Road, as they do not have access to those local roads now. 15 – Construction equipment, vehicles, and personnel should not be using Estates Road to access the construction site (I-10), they should be working within existing and required ROW. 16- The fence along the ROW should prevent most of any blowing debris from entering the neighborhood. 17 -Comment noted. 18 – 22 – Given your proximity to the interstate, you will hear the construction. DOTD has specifications that the contractor must adhere to during construction to minimize issues, including mufflers on equipment, specified time frames for certain construction activities, etc. Required pollution prevention plans should keep air borne particles from migrating offsite.