Comment: Hello – I live in University Gardens and I am opposed to this expansion. If, however, widening I-10 at Perkins is inevitable, then please make plans to creatively develop […]
Comment: Widening I‐10 without addressing the capacity of the Mississippi River Bridge will be a fruitless, expensive boondoggle. Referencing the I‐10 Open House PowerPoint presentation, August 2018: “Increasing capacity of […]
Comment: Until you get more lanes OVER the bridge you will not be able to alleviate traffic woes, all else is window dressing. More lanes to the bridge could worsen […]
Comment: Access to Perkins Road Overpass area businesses shall be maintained at all times. Construction traffic shall not go down residential streets south of Perkins Road unless absolutely necessary. Environmental […]
Comment: I was told at one of the focus group meetings that requirements were necessary to meet for a sound wall. And studies would extend through past the environmental phase. […]
Comment: 3. How many lanes will 110 have and for how long? Response: If the question is relative to how many lanes will be open during construction, the answer is […]
Comment: 4. How long will Interstate 110 be closed at the Baton Rouge side of the bridge? Response: Traffic Analysis shows that two lanes are required on I-10 Eastbound from […]
Comment: 5. How long will Interstate 110 be one lane on the east side of the new bridge. Response: Traffic Analysis shows that two lanes are required on I-10 Eastbound […]
Deborah Roe
Comment: 4. I am opposed to widening the interstate in this area. Enlarging a funnel but keeping the receptacle the same size does not eliminate overflow. Widening the interstate but […]