Comment: To the attention of US DOT, FHA, and LA-DOTD: The Baton Rouge Area Chamber – serving as the regional economic development organization for a nine parish region with a […]
Comment: Please continue path to fix traffic. I support. Response: Thank you for your comments.
Comment: The flyover will pass along side Richards Drive in my subdivision, Jefferson Place. The section of Richards Drive where I live is susceptible to flooding already. Richards Drive regularly […]
Comment: We respectfully request that this information is communicated for additional public comment prior to any acceptance and authorization of the project. Response: The public input process includes a public […]
Comment: 17. Is this my only chance to come in before the environmental document is complete? Response: The public will have an opportunity to attend and comment at the public […]
Comment: Design-Build project process makes it very difficult to comment on design, as there is basically no real design available for review. Will there be an opportunity for public comment […]
Comment: As a resident of the garden district/Perkins road overpass area, I am very concerned with what the areas underneath the I-10 elevated areas will look like, especially the area […]
Comment: Also, I would’ve liked to have seen more information on how the construction of these new elevated lanes will affect local roads and business. The area underneath I-10 where […]
Comment: This (Perkins Overpass & lower Garden District) is one of the most viable neighborhoods in the City and has been for decades. “If it isn’t broke don’t fix it.” […]
Jay Kaiser
Comment: We desperately need to widen 1-10 East bound at the bridge, all the way to the 10/12 split. Response: Thank you for your comments.