Comment: I am writing to express my concerns about the removal of vegetation in order to achieve the desired the I-10 corridor widening. It is imperative that our green infrastructure […]
Comment: In reference to the widening of interstate 110….Please be sure to include $$$ to replace the trees that will be cut down due to the widening project! This is […]
Comment: 1) Our city’s roadside trees and green infrastructure are crucial and valuable to me. 2) DOTD must budget for the replacement of all trees to be removed as a […]
Comment: 1) Our city’s roadside trees and green infrastructure are crucial and valuable to me. 2) DOTD must budget for the replacement of all trees to be removed as a […]
Comment: 1) Our city’s roadside trees and green infrastructure are crucial and valuable to me! 2) DOTD must budget for the replacement of all trees to be removed as a […]
Comment: 1) Our city’s roadside trees and green infrastructure are crucial and valuable to me. 2) DOTD must budget for the replacement of all trees to be removed as a […]
Comment: The trees that will be affected by the I-10 project are extremely important for the following reasons: 1) Interception of significant aments of storm water each year 2) Collection […]
Comment: One of the first things large companies wanting to relocate look at is curb appeal of the community. People want to move to places that look nice. The cost/return […]
Dorsey Peek
Comment: 1) Our city’s roadside trees and green infrastructure are crucial and valuable to me. 2) DOTD must budget for the replacement of all trees to be removed as a […]