Comment: I am opposed to the designed plan to create a College Drive overpass. The use of an elevated section and the relocation of the sound wall closer to the […]
Comment: 4. What is their plan to make this area walkable during construction? How can our tenants take advantage of the conveniences we offered them in the rental advertisements, such […]
Comment: We live in Jefferson Place/Bocage. Two thoughts: 1. Please do not further devalue subdivision properties by haphazardly placing a flyover that will impact us. The sound wall is already […]
Comment: PLEASE make certain that an effective tree replanting plan is part of the planning for this work. In addition, the sound from I-10 is already very disruptive in our […]
Comment: I was told at one of the focus group meetings that requirements were necessary to meet for a sound wall. And studies would extend through past the environmental phase. […]
Comment: We live at 7436 Richards Drive and already have to deal with interstate noise and the flyover from I-12 to I-10 and very much object to another flyover behind […]
Comment: I support noise barriers and feel they are important for neighborhoods bordering the Interstate project. I would hope that consideration would also be given to not raising any billboards […]
Comment: 2. Will the movement of the new Interstate columns add to our noise factor and what will be done about construction noise? How much more noise can these tenants […]
Coleman Brown
Comment: 24-31. How long will the following interchanges be closed during construction: College Drive, Acadian Thruway, Perkins Road, Dalrymple Drive, Washington Street, new Terrace Street exit, Nairn Street bridge? Response: […]