I am opposed to the designed plan to create a College Drive overpass. The use of an elevated section and the relocation of the sound wall closer to the homes demonstrates a disregard to the sound impacts, the vibration impacts to the nearby homes, the air quality impacts, the drainage impacts on the back side of the wall, the drainage impacts of the cross drain that crosses under I-12 and I-10, and the utility relocation impacts for the adjoining neighborhood. I have never seen traffic on I-12 Westbound or I-10 Westbound backed up because of the weaving maneuver from I-10 Westbound to the College Drive Ramp. Rather, the backup is either farther west or it is because of the I-12 Westbound to I-10 Southbound turn. Money would be much better spent making two lanes for the I-12 to !-10 Southbound turn than on building a ramp and all of the extra lane pavements and structures for the designed revised College Drive exit ramp. A value engineering study should be performed to assess the dollars versus time savings for this proposed action. The distance from I-10/I-12 gore is a mile which is near the desirable length for necessary weave. The bigger problem is the functional capacity of the trumpet type interchange and the back up created by the left turn signal at the ramp exit and the College Drive intersection. Adding a lane to the ramp near the exit such that it does not narrow to one lane as it currently does in a manner that provides that delays at the light stop the maneuver from Interstate to Corporate Blvd. would improve the traffic through this reach at a much lower cost and would increase the effective weave distance for the I-10 to College Drive exit maneuver. With all the median area available at this location, it is really disappointing to see that there is no alternative involving locating the flyover farther west and leaving the sound walls in their current location. If a flyover is built, it could be built on the inside lane of I-10. This could be done at a lower cost and with much less impact to the adjoining neighborhoods.
I am opposed to the designed plan to create a College Drive overpass. The use of an elevated section and the relocation of the sound wall closer to the homes demonstrates a disregard to the sound impacts, the vibration impacts to the nearby homes, the air quality impacts, the drainage impacts on the back side of the wall, the drainage impacts of the cross drain that crosses under I-12 and I-10, and the utility relocation impacts for the adjoining neighborhood. I have never seen traffic on I-12 Westbound or I-10 Westbound backed up because of the weaving maneuver from I-10 Westbound to the College Drive Ramp. Rather, the backup is either farther west or it is because of the I-12 Westbound to I-10 Southbound turn. Money would be much better spent making two lanes for the I-12 to !-10 Southbound turn than on building a ramp and all of the extra lane pavements and structures for the designed revised College Drive exit ramp. A value engineering study should be performed to assess the dollars versus time savings for this proposed action. The distance from I-10/I-12 gore is a mile which is near the desirable length for necessary weave. The bigger problem is the functional capacity of the trumpet type interchange and the back up created by the left turn signal at the ramp exit and the College Drive intersection. Adding a lane to the ramp near the exit such that it does not narrow to one lane as it currently does in a manner that provides that delays at the light stop the maneuver from Interstate to Corporate Blvd. would improve the traffic through this reach at a much lower cost and would increase the effective weave distance for the I-10 to College Drive exit maneuver. With all the median area available at this location, it is really disappointing to see that there is no alternative involving locating the flyover farther west and leaving the sound walls in their current location. If a flyover is built, it could be built on the inside lane of I-10. This could be done at a lower cost and with much less impact to the adjoining neighborhoods.
Thank you for your comments.