Thank you for working on the traffic problem of Baton Rouge, however, I have several concerns regarding the flyover and my neighborhood, Jefferson Place/Bocage. The proposed flyover that boarders our neighborhood will increase noise from the I-10, may adversely impact
drainage, may be visible from our neighborhood, and as a result may adversely impact our quality of life and ultimately our property values. The increased noise created by the expansion, specifically the flyover bordering our neighborhood, has not been communicated to the impacted residents. A resulting noise reduction plan needs to be created, potential flood impacts need to be communicated and addressed, and the visual impact on our neighbor needs to be communicated and addressed. Thank you in advance for your attention to a proposal that will impact us all. Your input to these matters will directly impact my quality of life.
The project team is evaluating the effect of the flyover ramp on the noise levels for the residences in the Jefferson Place and Bocage neighborhoods.
Thank you for working on the traffic problem of Baton Rouge, however, I have several concerns regarding the flyover and my neighborhood, Jefferson Place/Bocage. The proposed flyover that boarders our neighborhood will increase noise from the I-10, may adversely impact
drainage, may be visible from our neighborhood, and as a result may adversely impact our quality of life and ultimately our property values. The increased noise created by the expansion, specifically the flyover bordering our neighborhood, has not been communicated to the impacted residents. A resulting noise reduction plan needs to be created, potential flood impacts need to be communicated and addressed, and the visual impact on our neighbor needs to be communicated and addressed. Thank you in advance for your attention to a proposal that will impact us all. Your input to these matters will directly impact my quality of life.
The project team is evaluating the effect of the flyover ramp on the noise levels for the residences in the Jefferson Place and Bocage neighborhoods.