
Kevin Bourgeois


We are concerned about continuing to live in our current location due to the project. The interstate is already very noisy and close to our property. We do not know how noisy the construction will be and if the completed project will be any quieter than it is now in spite of assurances that it will be quieter. We don’t know how much closer the interstate will be to our house. Would it be possible that our property be bought as part of the mitigation strategy?  


We appreciate your comments. Without an address, we are unable to provide the answers you seek. There is an interactive map on the project website, www.i10br.com that will assist you in determining where the widened interstate will be relative to the location of your house. Owners of residences directly affected by the acquisition of new right-of-way have been or will be contacted by DOTD relative to the anticipated impact. Residences that may be impacted due to increased proximity to the interstate as a result of the project may be looked at on a case by case basis, relative to distance to the travel lanes. Please contact DOTD Real Estate if you determine that your home could be adversely affected by the widening.