
Jean Lowrey


1. When will we get a definitive answer if any of our units will need to be acquired or strongly affected? Would you just absorb some of the units? What exactly is the extent of road blockage during construction resulting in loss of rentals.


The proposed apparent right-of-way was shown at the public meetings, it may also be viewed on www.i10br.com. None of the Hollydale Condominium buildings are in the proposed apparent right-of-way, therefore, none will be acquired. Brochures from DOTD’s Real Estate section with more details on the acquisition process can be downloaded here: http://wwwsp.dotd.la.gov/Inside_LaDOTD/Divisions/Engineering/Real_Estate/Manuals/2016%20Acquistion%20Brochure%20revised%208.31.16.pdf. Access to residences and businesses will be maintained during construction. There may be occasions where access will be affected.