
Doug Moore


Hi, you all have heard from me quite a lot about this. I appreciate the great work doing public outreach and engagement that your firms have done on this project. If you could find time to answer to these questions officially, we’d appreciate it:

If project costs turn out to be more than anticipated, which elements will be eliminated? One big fear among our membership is that we’re being led to support a project with talk of multi-use paths only for those design elements to be eliminated later due to cost overruns.

Thanks very much for all your hard work.


Context sensitive design elements will be incorporated into the project and will be identified in the Environmental Assessment. Pedestrian access and bike paths are part of the concept to link Expressway Park to Dalrymple. Concepts at Acadian remain under development, it is possible additional sidewalks and crosswalks may be incorporated. Design concepts for the Nairn Bridge were well recieved during the meetings and many comments have been provided relative to preferences in design.