5. We should be informed of and deserve to know how DOTD projects work flow. Given my observations, road projects to step one, then 3 months later step 2, then 4 months later step 3, then 6 months later the stripping. This kind of work schedule on a project this big would devastate businesses and property values in this historic neighborhood. DOTD NEEDS TO DEMONSTRATE HOW THEIR PLANNED WORK FLOW IS SCHEDULED, THAT SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF CONTRACTORS ARE INVOLVED TO AVOID DELAYS AND THAT THOSE CONTRACTORS HAVE SUFFICIENT MANPOWER TO ACCOMPLISH THE YET TO BE RELEASED WORK SCHEDULE. CAN DOTD PROVIDE US WITH A WORK SCHEDULE??
A work schedule for the construction of the project has not been developed. A preliminary sequence of construction will be developed and included in the Environmental Assessment. Once the environmental process (we are in Stage 1) is complete, the project moves to Stages 2 and 3, funding and final design. Stage 3 will recommend construction phasing and staging. Stage 4 is when the DOTD would develop the documents required to solicit bids for construction and select a contractor(s). A full work schedule will be developed in Stage 4.
5. We should be informed of and deserve to know how DOTD projects work flow. Given my observations, road projects to step one, then 3 months later step 2, then 4 months later step 3, then 6 months later the stripping. This kind of work schedule on a project this big would devastate businesses and property values in this historic neighborhood. DOTD NEEDS TO DEMONSTRATE HOW THEIR PLANNED WORK FLOW IS SCHEDULED, THAT SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF CONTRACTORS ARE INVOLVED TO AVOID DELAYS AND THAT THOSE CONTRACTORS HAVE SUFFICIENT MANPOWER TO ACCOMPLISH THE YET TO BE RELEASED WORK SCHEDULE. CAN DOTD PROVIDE US WITH A WORK SCHEDULE??
A work schedule for the construction of the project has not been developed. A preliminary sequence of construction will be developed and included in the Environmental Assessment. Once the environmental process (we are in Stage 1) is complete, the project moves to Stages 2 and 3, funding and final design. Stage 3 will recommend construction phasing and staging. Stage 4 is when the DOTD would develop the documents required to solicit bids for construction and select a contractor(s). A full work schedule will be developed in Stage 4.