
Dean Reinschmidt


As a resident of Jefferson Place/Bocage, my primary concerns, which are also the concerns of many I have spoken with in our neighborhood, are the impact on drainage and noise. Particularly concerning is the I-10 “flyover” that is planned at College Drive. This is an elevated structure that “flies” right next to our neighborhood. Not only will this be an eyesore, it will also significantly increase noise. The interstate “roar” is already a problem in our neighborhood and the new elevated structure is going to exacerbate this. Based on what I’ve seen thus far, there are no plans to modify or replace the existing sound barrier or any other plan to address this problem. It’s a significant issue and needs to be addressed. Regarding drainage – that’s always a concern as we learned during the flood of 2016. During heavy rains, the current drainage system in our neighborhood is insufficient. Hopefully the I-10 project will not make matters worse. Thanks for the opportunity to provide input. Much appreciated.


The project team is evaluating the effect of the flyover ramp on the noise levels for the residences in the Jefferson Place and Bocage neighborhoods. Any potential drainage issues in this area and proper drainage design for the whole project area will be an important component of the Stage 3 Final Design Process.