
Charles Coates


Roadway and median trees and other green infrastructure are an essential priority for attractive roadways in Baton Rouge.
Accordingly, funds must be included by LADOTD in its project budget for the replacement of all present trees that will be removed during the I-10 Widening project! Additional landscaping also should be provided where appropriate to achieve this purpose.
The present trees, especially at the I-10/12 split, have given these roadways a very attractive appearance that must be retained as much as possible. Where necessary to remove trees, they must be replaced at least one for one in proper locations to restore appearance, along with additional trees for overall design.
The future is not concrete or asphaltic pavement alone, but also with urban landscaping that makes roadways attractive to all residents, transients, and visitors.


DOTD will be replacing trees in accordance with their Significant Tree policy and will replant where, possible in coordination with Baton Rouge Green.