
Bond Lux


I want to reiterate our concern over impacts to drainage during and after this construction is complete. All of Jefferson Place along the existing sound wall and along Richards Drive was placed in the Flood Zone after Hurricane Gustav. I believe most of Bocage Lake Estates is in the flood zone. I have expressed this concern at all 3 focus group meetings.
Many others I heard ratify the concern. Folks in the Valley Park area have expressed equal concern.

We want to make sure that our houses are not threatened by flooding due to the proposed barrier wall along the new College Drive exit (aka the 2016 flooding in Livingston Parish), changes to the Sound wall along the corridor, temporary changes/blockages of drainage during construction, or long term impacts to the Wards Creek drainage corridor (including the “feeder” ditches in individual subdivisions.


Any potential drainage issues in this area and proper drainage design for the whole project area will be an important component of the Stage 3 Final Design Process.