Brittany White

Comment: How do you plan on replacing the trees which are being used as a sound barrier for my subdivision, Stratford Place? I agree with the widening but a sound […]

Johnell Rogers

Comment: I would like to see a plan that includes the replacement of trees that are scheduled to be removed or a noise barrier wall erected to protect the Stradford […]

Floyd Roberts, MD

Comment: PLEASE make certain that an effective tree replanting plan is part of the planning for this work. In addition, the sound from I-10 is already very disruptive in our […]

Ernest Mencer

Comment: I would like to see plans to replace the trees to be removed as part of the I10/12 widening project; or plans to erect sound barrier walls to mitigate […]

Christy Kessler

Comment: I live in Stratford Place near the I-10/I-12 split. The trees along the I-10 corridor are essential to my enjoyment of my yard and home. Without those trees, the […]

Trish Lowrey

Comment: After attending the public hearing on August 30, 2018, I am even more concerned about the removal of green space buffers and trees, particularly for the proposed College Drive […]

Nicolette Ross

Comment: I am in support of protecting & replacing Baton Rouge Green trees during the I-10 widening project Response: DOTD will be replacing trees in accordance with their Significant Tree […]

Catherine Seemann, LCSW

Comment: 1) Our city’s roadside trees and green infrastructure are crucial and valuable to me! 2) DOTD must budget for the replacement of all trees to be removed as a […]

Dorsey Peek

Comment: 1) Our city’s roadside trees and green infrastructure are crucial and valuable to me. 2) DOTD must budget for the replacement of all trees to be removed as a […]

Donna Rea

Comment: The trees are valuable to me and our community. Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and potentially harmful gases from the air and […]

Bill Reich

Comment: I am writing to express my concerns about the removal of vegetation in order to achieve the desired the I-10 corridor widening. It is imperative that our green infrastructure […]

Nancy Roberts

Comment: In reference to the widening of interstate 110….Please be sure to include $$$ to replace the trees that will be cut down due to the widening project! This is […]

H.N. “Hank” Saurage, IV

Comment: 1) Our city’s roadside trees and green infrastructure are crucial and valuable to me. 2) DOTD must budget for the replacement of all trees to be removed as a […]

Robert Seemann

Comment: 1) Our city’s roadside trees and green infrastructure are crucial and valuable to me. 2) DOTD must budget for the replacement of all trees to be removed as a […]