
Mary Cullen


A way to walk or bike for the homeowners in the Hundred Oaks area to the historic shopping area on the other side of 1-10 would be a great SAFE way for them to get there. Presently, there is no safe way for bikers or strollers. And, personally, that bridge over the train has a very narrow sidewalk and I won’t use it even to walk. My daughter and her family live on Tyrone and I am there weekly to visit my grandson. I would love a safe way to push a stroller into the shopping area. Walking is great exercise and it is too bad that 1-10 as it is was built without regard to the citizens on the side of One Hundred Oaks. Please consider the idea my daughter, Cullen Boudreaux, has come up with for a walkway/bikeway to alleviate what was done when 1-10 was put in place originally.


Thank you for your comments. We are actively developing connectivity solutions for this area that should be available for review during the public hearing.