
Benton Aucoin


Okay. So one of the questions that I had for Perry outside is regarding the Perkins Road overpass. I have the building that is under the overpass, right adjacent with the big round top building. It’s been there. It’s a restaurant, K Street Grill. K Street Grill. Kalurah Street Grill. And the question that I think both Mike, that has DiGiulio, and then I had with K Street Grill would be could they maybe increase the parking under the overpass area since they’re going to be taking parking away from under the interstate curtain for those people that want to still go to restaurants in that area? So my suggestion is that they increase the parking under the Perkins Road overpass where they have, you know, room all the way to the railroad tracks.
And I think that’s really it, because everything else was kind of answered for me. But I’m trying to stay in business, okay? Thank you. And I’ll write Barbara Freiberg, too, my council woman, but that’s it. Have a good day. Thanks.


We are in the process of developing final recommendations for mitigation and enhancements to be implemented as part of this project. The design for the Perkins Road ramp area is proposed to include additional parking.